• home page
  • bnuuy zines
  • hi, pardon da mess, ims only getting started. someday this place will be really cool i promise.

    i worked ons it fr like an hour, hated what i had and impulse reset it so this is all there is right now. but look i made new words. yippee etc etc

    i added a zine

    made :3 show a lil thing in the url

    P R E S S T H E L 1 N K .

    i made pages navigateable between each other (ie yew can go from homepage to bloggo to bnuuy stash etc)


    i addeds blinxies ans stuff. im happi abt it, imgur was being a dick abt mai custom ones so ill replace like 80% of em with mai own laters. rn tho its cute

    some sites i like